Use and Care
Cooking with your Pit Barrel Cooker
For your first cook with your Pit Barrel®, we strongly recommend that you follow the instructions completely.

Placing Your Pit barrel
Your Pit Barrel® should not be placed directly on any flammable surface such as a wood deck or dry grass.

Respecting the Heat
IMPORTANT: If you are using your Pit Barrel® on a deck, grass, or any other potentially flammable surface we highly recommend placing paver stones or bricks to completely cover the area under the cooker.

Ready Out-Of-The-Box
There is no need to season your Pit Barrel; it is a brand new drum with a porcelain enamel finish and is ready to cook with right out of the box. As always, please be careful and enjoy!

Proper Airflow is key to the PBC
Keep Elevation In Mind
Cooking times are approximate. Times will vary due to elevation (the times in our videos are based on an elevation of 2000 ft.), therefore, when using your Pit Barrel at sea level your cooking times may be less. For all of the Pit Barrel models — adjust the bottom air vent per the diagram
NOTE: The intake cover is set slightly above the hole, therefore will never close completely.
Setting Up Your Pit Barrel®

Step 1.
Set up your Pit Barrel® in an open, outdoor area.

Step 2.
Remove the Three-point Barrel Stand from inside the barrel and place the cooker on top with the ring facing up.

Step 3.
Remove charcoal basket from bottom of barrel and place on ground.
Step 4.
Lighting Your Pit Barrel®
Lighting the PBC and PBJ:
Fill your charcoal basket level, remove 1/4 of the briquets (this is approximately 40 coals for the PBC and 20 coals for the PBJ) and place in chimney, light the coals with the lid off and let burn for 12 minutes for elevations between sea level and 2000 ft (All other elevations will let your coals burn for 20 minutes). Dump the lit coals into the charcoal basket and start cooking immediately.
Lighting the PBX:
Fill your charcoal basket level and then fill your chimney to the top with unlit charcoal. Light the coals in the chimney let burn for 12 minutes for elevations between sea level and 2000 ft (All other elevations will let your coals burn for 20 minutes). Dump the lit coals evenly into the charcoal basket over the unlit coals and start cooking immediately.
Prepping for different cooking methods

For Hanging
Remove grill grate and place metal rods in pre-cut holes. Insert stainless steel hooks through the meat and hang meat from metal rods inside the Pit Barrel® Cooker, put the lid on and let the meat cook to perfection. Refer to our demonstration videos for more information.

For Grilling
Remove metal rods and insert grill grate, place meat on the grate and, with the lid cracked about a 1/4 in, proceed as you would on a standard grill.

Cleaning Up
To clean your Pit Barrel®, simply wait until the barrel and charcoal basket have completely cooled to dump the remaining ash by inverting the barrel. Ash Pans can be purchased for all models for even easier cleanup.