International Distributors

Interested in carrying the pit barrel cooker co. Brand?
Reach out to our appointed international distributors to check availability. 


<br>Mayo Hardware / <i></i>

<br>Grills’n Ovens LLC / <i></i><br>Northwinds/<i></i>

<br>Ovation Outdoors GmbH /<i> </i>

<br>Hot s.r.l. / <i></i>

<br><b>New Zealand:</b>
<br>BBQ Pro NZ / <i></I>

<br><b>United Kingdom:</b>
<br>Que Fresco Ltd. / <i></i>
<br><br><center><b>If you are an international distributor interested in carrying the Pit Barrel Cooker Co. line of products, please reach out to us at <font color="#ff8200"></font></b></center>